Créée en 1994 par le fondateur de Microsoft, la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates gère un capital de 33,5 milliards de dollars pour financer ses projets “philanthropiques”. Un joli pactole investi à hauteur de 23 millions de dollars dans l’achat de 500 000 actions de Monsanto, comme le révélait la Fondation en août 2010.


Cornell Student Who Took on Bill Gates, Monsanto Plans to Expose Their Agenda Even Further in Blockbuster New Project. The GMO free movement has reached dizzying heights in recent years, with organic food sales rising by $3.3 billion by last count, and showing no signs of slowing.

This video is just one example of the fraud promoted by Bill Gates, who owns shares in the pharmaceuticals who develop deadly, untested vaccines for his own profit. In this CNN interview, Gates who is promoting vaccines in third world countries who are susceptible to fraud attempts to ensure the public is fearful of harmless measles and his erroneous figures on polio. by Christina Sarich Posted on June 6, 2015. People like to talk nasty about Hugh Grant, Monsanto’s CEO, and obviously a shareholder. The same goes for Bill Gates.

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And if you are anti-GMO and knowledgeable of the shady and questionable ways of the Gates Bill Gates believes the density of the population in poor areas is too big, and with his depopulation plans he can ‘solve’ that problem. Consider his huge buyout of Monsanto stock – he owns millions of shares of Monsanto and Cargill stock, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation keep scooping it up. 2018-06-05 · What Bill Gates taught me about the Bayer/Monsanto acquisition Published on June 5, 2018 June 5, 2018 • 557 Likes • 52 Comments 2010-09-29 · The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's investments in Monsanto and Cargill have come under heavy criticism. Is it time for the foundation to come clean on its visions for agriculture in In a unique opportunity to ask Bill Gates himself why he has purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto behind the scenes (expelled into the news thanks to tax information) and teamed up with Cargill to expand GMOs worldwide, myself and several others asked him ourselves. Bill & Melinda Gates aktieportfölj är koncentrerad till sexton olika innehav. De fem största utgör knappt 80 procent av portföljen. Det överlägset största innehavet i Microsoftgrundaren Bill Gates och hans fru Melindas stiftelseportfölj är aktier i investmentbolag Berkshire Hathaway.

Bill & Melinda Gates aktieportfölj är koncentrerad till sjutton olika innehav. De fem största aktieinnehaven utgör drygt 80 procent av portföljen. Monsanto har 2018-06-13 fusionerats med Bayer AG. Aktieägarna i Monsanto har fått aktierna inlösta och fått 128 USD per aktie.

Monsanto in Gates’ Clothing? The Emperor’s New GMOs. By Eric Holt Gimenez. If you had any doubts about where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is really placing its bets, AGRA Watch’s recent announcement of the Foundation’s investment of $23.1 million in 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock should put them to rest.

In May 2020, the Gates Foundation   8 Dec 2020 Bill Gates has predicted there could be as many as half a dozen Covid-19 vaccines approved and ready for distribution by the first quarter next  21 окт 2015 акций Monsanto на сумму более $23 млн, продолжая активно инвестировать в корпорацию, неизменно вызывающую жаркие споры и  13 Mar 2021 Syngenta Group, the world's second-largest agrochemical enterprise (behind Bayer Crop Science, owner of Monsanto), is deploying big data,  Bill Gates is primarily known as the multi-billionaire who created Microsoft, the company behind the most popular computer operating system known as Windows  Consider his huge buyout of Monsanto stock – he owns millions of shares of Monsanto and Cargill stock, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation keep scooping it up. He owns more than $23 million worth, or 500,000 Monsanto shares.

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16. Sept. 2012 Bill Gates, Monsanto und Eugenik: Geförderte Industrie-Konzerne Gates, im Jahr 2010 für über 23 Millionen Dollar 500.000 Monsanto-Aktien 

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Seattle-based Agra-Watch, part of the Community Alliance for Global Justice, has said: “Monsanto has a history of blatant disregard for the interests and well being of small farmers around the world… What Bill Gates taught me about the Bayer/Monsanto acquisition Published on June 5, 2018 June 5, A close friend to Bill Gates, Dr. Rosling was a famous epidemiologist, world health expert, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's investments in Monsanto and Cargill have come under heavy criticism. Monsanto and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill and Melinda Gates are considered to be one of the world’s most generous philanthropists and their desire to feed the hungry and heal the sick is extremely worthy. But their foundation’s investment portfolio makes you wonder why they would choose to invest in, ally with and otherwise get in bed with Monsanto? Posted by Jeffrey Phillips | Mar 2, 2016 |. A few years ago, news sources revealed that Bill Gates, the world’s richest man and founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto valued at $23 million, raising questions about the motivations of the charity and its sincerity in aiding poverty-stricken areas around the world.

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In 2010, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto, a leading producer of GMOs, worth a total of $23 billion. A New "Green Revolution" 2019-10-23 2021-01-22 2020-05-12 2016-03-03 The Gates Foundation recently purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto to help Africa have their own Green Revolution using Monsanto GMO rice. “In his annual letter for 2012, Bill Gates announced that the Gates Foundation intends to combat world hunger by investing in genetically modified agriculture….In 2011, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 2010-04-26 Monsanto shareholder Bill Gates, who has repeatedly stated that Monsanto’s GMOs are the answer to starvation despite scientific proof of the contrary, gave a controversial speech at a Ted conference outlining the controversial population reduction plan through ‘healthcare’: Cornell Student Who Took on Bill Gates, Monsanto Plans to Expose Their Agenda Even Further in Blockbuster New Project.

I fondens aktieportfölj finns allt från  Bill Gates var gäst, och han satt där och pratade så vackert om hur han Han är stor delägare i Monsanto, där han har aktier för ett värde av 23  Breakthrough Energy Ventures, som backas av Bill Gates, leder en Att teckna aktien visade sig vara rätt trots både högt pris och stort kursintervall.
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Bill Gates, Monsanto y la eugenesia. Gates está promoviendo activamente una toma de control corporativo de la agricultura mundial. Después de haber sido expuesto que la Fundación Bill & Melinda

Bill Gates and his foundation have joined the ranks of Monsanto and Pharmaceutical Vaccines as their Snake Oil Salesman. It was common 50 years ago to have measles party’s in homes, to generate a “natural immunity” not through vaccines but through normal circumstances. The Gates Foundation recently purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto to help Africa have their own Green Revolution using Monsanto GMO rice.

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Bill Gates hat sich verpflichtet 99% seines Privatvermögens wohltätigen Zwecken zukommen zu lassen und verwendet heute schon große Mengen an Geld und Energie darauf, Organisationen wie die WHO

(Bill Gates och Neo-Feudalism: En närmare titt på Farmare Bill) av och särskilt Monsanto, där Gates Foundation Trust köpte 500 000 aktier till  Bill Gates skänker bort Hans Roslings bok Twitter ersätter Monsanto – aktien rusade i efterhandeln. Twitter får plats i aktieindexet S&P 500. Det fick aktien att  Gates var också en av de största aktieägarna i Monsanto – världens mest aggressiva promotor av GMO och bekämpningsmedel.